First blizzard of the winter season.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
weather, seriously...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sorry bout that
Sunday, November 28, 2010
so vampires do exists
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Free Chief
Monday, November 15, 2010
Post first day of FOWD
This blog is clearly no medium for design or UX but I have to say todays presentation by Daniel Hall at the FOWD conference was without a doubt one of the defining moments fo the conference. although Dan eluded to using gratuitous trickery to get the audience to listen, the greater affect was to engage them and really hone his talking points home. I personally was inspired after a 7+ hour of lectures that only a master can accomplish. IMO this is only the beginning that we will hear from Dan and it will be a pleasure to seem him speak again.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
have been absentee...
oh sister....
Oh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Ooh, see the fire is sweepin'
Our very street today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost its way
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Rape, murder!
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Rape, murder!
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Rape, murder!
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
The floods is threat'ning
My very life today
Gimme, gimme shelter
Or I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
I tell you love, sister, it's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
Kiss away, kiss away
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
NYC, seriously? DIck move!
NYC, seriously
Why I love Nepal!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
File under WTF
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Notes from Nepal
Two day in ktm has come and gone. Perhaps the most interesting part of my time was that spent with sim young mi, the north Korean hospitality hospitality represent and intelligence service operative.
It seems that I an effort better equip the member of the axes of evil to deal and to somewhat better understand their enemies, members of those few families who can trusted ate able to work in nations friendly or sympathetic to their cause.
More on this later, if I remember...
Sent from my iPhone
Notes from Nepal
I suppose I will keep this one short as a picture says a thousand words.
The cremations in Pashupatinath take place on the Bhagmati River, a Nepali tributary of the Ganges. Although other cremation process take the bone and pound it to a fine dust, I did not see this happen at Pashupatinath, but rather the dust and fragment going directly into the river. Children wash and play in the river as the remains of the bodies are burned the returned to the river.
Posts form Nepal.
The lot of these seem to be incoherent and incomplete but I suppose they serve a purpose whether I know what that is at this time or not.
Part fuck I don't know, we'll call it "5" - the Canadians
Cat, Britney & Paul(?).
Young 20 something Canadians sitting lamenting their time in Nepal, a distraction from the grind of life in shanghai and New York respectively. Although the grind is hard, the material payoff is worth it; or the prospect there of. Through conversation talk of institutional impropriety is dismissed as a sad consequence of being caught rather than graft of those whom you bare fiduciary responsibility being the problem. Granted I am no authority on canadians but as an American, I myself anyway have this romanticized vision of them being this somehow better or at least of a more compassionate nature than we.
The interaction with them remind me of my time at one unnamed financial giant that benefited from a large cash injection of my money via the treasury and at the expense if my fellow Americans. The irony, or perhaps lack there of perhaps was the age old finical wisdom of graft and or deception still considered status quo.
Conversation drifted to the times article about the secret world of partners at GS or there secret fall from the inter circle and the hope that these wall street insiders would someday become chief regulators, the vary people who are meant to prevent wholesale graft becoming the proverbial foxes in the hen house.
Would it be acceptable to put a pedophile as the administrator in a daycare? I think not, yet we advocate for those who wish to fulfill their own immediate gratification at the expense of those just as naive.
Sent from my iPhone
Posts form Nepal.
Part one in no particular order.
Katmhandu detainment at the U.S. Embassy Resort (Thu, 30 Sep 2010)
Me: hey
Friend in America: Hi
Me: at work?
Friend in America: No
Friend in America: Getting ready.
Friend in America: It's 7 30
Me: sorry, I can let you go if you need to
Friend in America: What did you do today?
Friend in America: It's ok
Friend in America: I am just doing my hair and makeup.
Me: tomorrow is my last day here. going to take the
> children to school in the morning. Saw them today
Friend in America: How are they doing?
Friend in America: That's great!!!
Friend in America: Did some of them remember you?
Me: they are well. some of them are so big. I am going
> to take photos tomorrow. michelle got a few today
Friend in America: Ok.
Me: you see north korea has a new leader in the works
Friend in America: That must be the best part of trip.
Friend in America: Haha
Friend in America: Yes. But we knew that already.
Me: the north koreans? that was only one night
Me: oh, I was just arrested by the military
Me: was released after 25 min
Friend in America: What?
Friend in America: What happened?
Me: apparently I took a photo of an american embassy
> recreation grounds and I was taken by machine gun point to
> this building. they told me I was going to the embassy but
> it was some shabby room. I refused to give them the photo or
> my passport until I spoke to an american.
Me: spoke to the state department rep Paul McSomething
> or other
Me: way to fuck up my afternoon
Friend in America: O
Friend in America: Ing
Friend in America: Omg
Friend in America: Shit
Friend in America: Were you by yourself?
Me: they were going to put me on the terrorist watch
> list but after I spoke to Paul, he told the military that
> they didnt need to take my info
Friend in America: Omg
Me: Yes
Friend in America: Shit.
Me: I told him it was bullshit and there was no way in
> hell I was giving my passport to some Nepalese guy, stating
> it is not mine to give but rather the property of the state
> department and if i was going to hand it over to someone it
> needed to be an Emerikan
Friend in America: Shit.
Friend in America: And you didn't know you weren't allowed to take
> photos.
> Last message received on 9/30 at 5:32 PM
Me: his response on the lack of americans and only
> Nepalese contractors with american flags on their shirts was
> "Oh, I never considered people would not want to give up
> their passport camera to someone claiming to be representing
> america with a fat accent and brown skin"
Friend in America: Haha
Me: i told him you can get anything fake in KTM, they
> aint got no papers with Hillary's signature on it
Friend in America: Haha
Friend in America: Man. I guess it's been a while. Since Bosnia
Me: told them there was no way in hell that I was
> giving them shit until i spoke to the consulate
Me: they kept saying "it doesnt work that way"; i told
> them there was no way in hell i was giving them anything
> with out representation
Friend in America: Wow.
Friend in America: Were you by yourself?
Me: the worst part was the military garding the place
> were trying to get me to go there for 30 min or so but there
> english was fucked. I kept saying "I dont know what you are
> talking about". Took them 4 people before there was one that
> could explain why I had to go. Then he asked for my papers
> and camera, i told him not a chance, you said I am going to
> the embassy, take me there or shoot me
Me: I was
Me: michie is sleeping
Friday, September 17, 2010
Posts form Nepal.
9/17/10 8:43pm EST or so my iPhone tells me.
3.5 hours into at 14 hour flight and I must admit, I am pretty happy with my choice of air service providers.
In all honesty, the meal of chicken tika salad pistachio rice pudding and plain yogurt was by far superior to any cattle class meal I have had on any other member of the star alliance they are trying to join.
Too shelf liquor serves gratis too boot, too bad I am dry in anticipation of the long march forward. Wonder if Mao got a little hair of the dog during campaign to oust the kaomantang.
USB power, iPhone happy; when will Americans catch on. I suppose as a nation we have all but forgotten what it is to use a service, more often than not it is the service provider dictating to us what we as a consumer get.
Seriously, and bottled water at every seat?
Sadly no wifi, suppose I didn't need at 14 hour reddit marathon anyway. r/no_plug_intended
Note to self, iPhone notes is the worst program to engage in written observations with and by written I am using the phrase liberally. As this will likely go up on v. Savages unedited; it's not likely to win any pulitzers. Grammar and spelling police likely to be on patrol in full riot gear.
Annoying, the human element...
The Indian fellow next to seems fecundated with the "new English" movie section, seems odd to me that a guy with a US passport has never heard of any of the movies, new or old. Sure I didn't see the remake of clash o the titans or date night, but "what is chariots of fire about?" and "the dirty dozen, is it ok for me to watch that in pubic?". I'll let home slide on the good the bad and the ugly because the only one who could be in a western more blatantly raciest or pack more stereo types into an hour forty-five is the Duke. God that guy was an asshole!
2:00 o'clock, Jennifer Lopez, a desi female and a two legged dog dragging a rickshaw? Who the writes this shit? Guess this answers the question why I am trying to estimate how many seconds it will take the unscientific map to get from the edge of Greenland to Iceland at 1017 km/h. I don't give it more than 97, max.
Hum, bottom of plane camera... Nothing but static, hope it isn't a message from the gas huffing oracles from mt Vesuvius. Achilles wouldn't take these odds. Was more of a hector fan anyway.
Nothing so easy to obsess about with the desis. Jesus, the French really do make it easy.
World clock what the fuck moment.
Current time: New Delhi, India. 6:59am (tomorrow)
Current time: Kathmandu, Nepal. 7:15am (tomorrow)
Granted time us a man made concept, suppose I am just use to living on hourly divisions.
Adult humanoids, more annoying that infants. Hey lady, shut the hell up, I don't care that your single serving friend played footsie with you on his sleep. Shit happens. I'm not even sure she has a seat mate, for all I know it's Tyler fucking Durdan. Go make some soap and shut the fuck up
The grinding highs of what can only described as one of the most violent dubstep sets i have ever listened to is noticeably disturbing my 3 o'clock, he is starting to twitch in his upper extremities. His eyes wide as a dear in headlights, staring through the wall in slightly darkened bulkhead ahead. This must have been what it was like for Noriega inside the Vatican embassy with Reagan's marines outside for those 30 some odd days. Unlike Noriega, this guy could go back to his ticketed seat and stop pushing my arm of my armrest. How do I know it is mine? In a commercial aircraft? A) my poorly constructed aluminum food tray folds out of it. And B) I saw his ass move from his ticketed seat two rows ahead at 30B forty-five minuets into the flight. By any house rules this shit is mine.
Wonder what the longest "notes" note recorded in history was? Scratch that, don't want to know but am sure to give it a run for it's money,
Novelas Indian style...
11 o'clock ( direction not time)
The middle aged woman seems to be watching the Indian version of gladiator, no bollywood shuffle but super high budget. The lady of affection is bar far the most gorgeous desi I have ever seen and the main male protagonist, is the size of Andre the giant with a face a charming as that drunk kiwi. I sure hope the maharajah gets it.
Really wish it had subtitles, sure it give anything on the "latest english" menu a trashing.
Console game selection...
Filed under arcade
Fruit punch, icy blast, manika and snoodles.
"Snoodles: Whet you appetite for fun controlling thus crazy snoodle as it gobbles on power pellets!! The object of the game is to help the snoodle eat up all the pellets that appear on the screen. Use the arrow keys to help it slither away from certain death!!!"
And we winder people want to become a shaheen and join the jihad. Given a childhood with these as the only option the choice this a no brainer. Note to the concessional comity on counter terrorism and the senate finance comity, send out a fucking pacman machine here and there and put an end to this shit for good.
The game play...
Jesus, the only thing slower than this in-flight console is an iPhone 3G with iOS4 on it.
Good news for those who ever owned an 82 ford focus, you will be use to the handling and it's responsiveness.
The game better known as "no English" other times referee to as "don't know any better"...
Jesus, forgot about this one until the lady decided to use my row as a crosswalk. Dude, seriously. who does that? Really? Act surprised when I yell "hey lady, what are you doing"? I didn't forget that we just got on the plane from New York or the fact that you are conversing with your friend in English.
The Egyptian rules queue.
A TSA agent kindly excuses himself as he wheels a man the better part of a century old through he endless line that snakes through the security section of the A section of terminal 4 like the Nile through the middle kingdom.
Slithering in tow a woman with a stylish hijab on a cellphone talking the soaps. Three adolescents in trail in the finest of jersey suburban gear. Hair and chains so fresh Polly D would have been proud.
The elder gentlemen with his escort moved into a position a few slots north of my location with and halts abruptly and starts speaking to the person on his left in polish. The two carry on for a minute or, come to sort of agreement and bid each other farewell.
As jersey shore starts that take up the rear it dawns on me that I have seen this maneuver before. Egyptian rules queue are in effect? It is 12 hours from Egyptians airspace at best, this shit ain't foible to fly at JFK, you could get killed for way less out side the terminal in Jamaica.
This must be stopped at all cost.
Only possible solution to halt a dangerous president allowing the Egypt sweep is to employ the south Jamaica stomp.
As the little situation made his pass I seeped on his dragging bag fastener and stopped him dead like a hemmy with a ceased piston. Young situation looked up and exclaimed no English to which I turned and looked at hijab soap who then exclaimed "come on boys, that is far enough". Seriously people, have you no shame?
One would think as a parent you would want yo teach your children how to work with in the system not how to get around it.
Reminds me of an article I saw on the post online addition recently (don't judge me, it was linked).
Capitalism, a war story.
A 12 year old girl in upstate ny was ticketed by the police for opening a soft drink stand on a downtown street corner with the help from her dad. After a number if hours of peddling her wares, police arrive at the scene and ticket the poor girl for vending without a hack license.
As the comment roar on, pope are getting more and more enraged about how the police harassed this poor little girl. Perhaps they missed the larger point. Granted we live in a capitalist society and entrepreneurship is encourages, but there are rules to it. The lesson had the girl learned had she not been stopped would not have been that of free markets, but rather, it ok to cheat the system for money.
The most likely scenario is that a local vendor called the police, pissed that they had to pay taxes and rent fir their corner.
7 or so hours in...
Jesus, I have way too much time on my hands. For gods sake, I'm only over Lille'.
The state af American film.
Really Jennifer Lopez fighting with a two legged dig over a pregnancy test? Fir the love golf god.
Cue next scene, over and over again.
The seat nomad next to me keeps replying the scene with Jennifer Lopez on the elliptical machine. Sure I was impressed too by the way she powered through it and perhaps a little jealous but it has to get old at some point.
Over Iran two and a half hours to go, that's more than I've had in days. About an harbor so from kabul, I'll quit my bitching because there is one thing that I am certain if and that is this plane is way more comfortable than a foxhole.
09/18/10 7:05am
Namaste India, once again.
All In all not a bad flight all things considered.
5:05 pm Indian time
I had forgotten just uninhabitable this land was, when they said 70deg they mist have meant 90 with 80% humidity. I forgot how hard the life was here and the medicines necessary to make it bearable. This I was reminded of by the haze of hashish smoke that drifted over me as I moved past the hard of men making large swatches of dirt into mud across for the new terminal.
The addition to the airport are vast and expansive, quite the marble considering what it looked like last time I was here. The one thing India has is people and labor is cheap if nothing else.
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, September 16, 2010
An exercise in brilliance! Self, thy worst enemy.
T - minus 14 hours and counting until liftoff for Nepal.
Jogged 4 miles in the rain in anticipation of 30k a day hikes up tall mountains with limited oxygen. No doubt am I ready for the adventure and pain ahead. If I live and nothing else, at least I will be fit as a burro after the big fight.
Seems to be par for the course really... or of late anyway.
Did manage to see a few interesting things on my gallivant across Brooklyn this evening however.
A first, at least in the united states. A two block live poultry market. It wasn't that fact that it was a poultry market per se, but rather the fact that it took place on Flushing Avenue, for two blocks mind you. Trailer ofter tailer, crate after crate, nothing but feathers and the stench of death lurking. Perhaps it was not only the death alone, but the fact that there must have been at least five or six hundred people in attendance. The event seemed not only for the matriarch or patriarch however, but a gathering for the whole family. I found it rather odd to see childern no older than 5 or 6 years of age hold these foul in the air while take close note of their assets, if that is how you refer to the greater parts of the flock anatomy.
Perhaps this is just a reflection on what was lacking in my own childhood. Wait a fucking minuet, what the hell am i going on about. I have a leaking skylignt and I am lamenting hasidic children fondling the undersides of live game. I must really need a vacation.
File this under what are you thinking................
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
bushwick quote of the day
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Wall
Monday, August 23, 2010
Kelly Daen, SMOG & Dubstep
So i've been listening to a lot of and they really love to play Kelly Dean. No doubt he is a kick ass DJ with super wobbly tracks, but man does that guy never shut the fuck up. I dont hate on people in particular on my blog, not like anyoine reads it anyway. holy shit, this guy loves to hear the sound of his own voice; perhaps only surpassed by rush limbaugh or glen beck. For the love of god man, shut the fuck up and let us hear the tracks, we dont need you to tell us that they rock, we would be able to determine that for our selves if you weren't talking all the time.
Anyway, here is my favorite track of the moment, but not on SMOG and not by dean, not hating now but provided for your listening pleasure. sorry YouTube compression killed most of the wobble.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sub woofers and the battle for reggaeton supremacy
Today's focus is sound; in particular, that of the musical style known and loved by the natives: Reggaeton (for those of you who are unfamiliar, a video can be found here).
The ritual of listening to reggaeton involves sub woofers, in particular, custom sub woofers and high powered amps that are installed in cars. It matters not what kind of vehicle you drive, be it a 1978 datsun b210 or a 2010 lexus with spinners. The rules of engagement seem to be the same. All players must pack at least 500 watts in the trunk. Any good sound engineer worth his or her salt will tell that the bass doesn't fully develop for at least 35 feet form the source even with properly ported for the point of origin of dispersion, a fact that all participants must be unaware of. The next stage of the ritual involves participants not hearing the base in the vehicles while setting off as many car alarms of as possible.
Another possible home court rule is, rather than driving, one can opt to pull over and open all the windows, turn the radio up to 11 and then stand on either side of the car and have a conversation while shouting at the top of your voice to make sure the other players can hear you and properly engage in the conversation; albeit with a lot of whats, huhs and ques.
Ironically enough, many of the older residents do not seem to take issue with this this game, grandmothers nor school children complain. As I write this a new match has just began, granted it is only quarter after 12 on a Saturday night, leaves at least 5:45 left in this, the 3rd period.
A turn of events happened last night when the live/work art space in the building next door to me deiced to host a robot themed party with a dub step sound track complete with 18" sub woofers.
As the night drew on, the players from both the art complex and the people from the neighborhood mounted attacks one by one not to be outdone by the former. After an intense battle lasting till 6:00 am Team Reggaeton could no longer hold on after an injury resulting in a blown left woofer, I am still not sure if it was the result of a wattage to impedance miscalculation or a sharp object office sides offense by one of the men in the trunk trying to tool up the amp to push the extra oms. None the less, the natives were forced to abandon Fridays episode of battle for reggaeton.
There is no doubt in my mind that this battle will be repeated like that of civil war reenactments for years to come but the real question is, what kind of ammunition will they pack in the future?
Welcome to the Bushwick beatch!
The raid was called on after narcotics officers observed a drug deal in front of the Ridgewood apartment Monday afternoon. The search led cops to the white mountain, scales, and clues leading to a house in Bushwick, where officers found an AK-47 rifle, two Uzi submachine guns, five handguns, and ammo.
So recently I moved to Bushwick in good old Brooklyn. I must admit it was quite a change from the life I was living in Manhattan. While there are still rows of tenement housing lining the streets of the swick, the swick of today is much different of the swick of the past. Granted there is no shortage of abject poverty, crime, fatherless children and drug addiction, the swick I know is something that politicians who long ago gave up on this neighborhood and perhaps even the residents would have never expected; a beacon of hope.
Today's has seen a return of diversity to the neighborhood, partly fueled by the housing boom leaving neighboring Williamsberg unaffordable for the artist who started to flock there by the prospect of cheap commercial warehouse converted into live work spaces. With this influx of new blood and the reintegration of a diverse mix people businesses and the local economy are starting to thrive.
Although the old residents are enjoying the new life and influx of spending into the neighborhood, it is hard to forget the swicks not so pleasent past. Perhaps nobody could tell the story of the fall and rise of bushwick than that of Ron Carritue as he recalls in his interview titled: Bushwick the firestorm years.
For more on the history of Bushwick, see the wikipedia entry
Thursday, July 29, 2010
New York City, the living breating ant farm
perhaps only a video can portray the real movement of the city.
Monday, July 19, 2010
On oral surgery
On Thursday I had 4 wisdom teeth removes, as a 36 year old male this is quite a horrific experience.
My first memory is being led out of the operating room and on to the curb where an orderly was told to get me in a cab, in my loopy state I told the kind fellow I was ok and I could walk home, form 16th street and 2 ave to 83rd street and York. He said ok, you look good to me. While I am no expert, I am pretty sure this was illegal; I then spent the next hour trying to find morels in Whole Food in Union Sq, success, I have yet to eat them as I am still having issues chewing.
Day two: what was I thinking, I need to go find plantains in east Harlem because while you are still suffering form post anesthesia insanity (yes, they put me out with a general), the best thing to do is to walk around aimlessly in 100 deg weather...
As they days have passed, only a couple, I must admit, perhaps eating mofongo con chichron is not the best choice of meals when you can not chew on any side. Currently it looks like I was hit in the face with a canseco bat and some how crawled out of the sewer. Errrr.
Just a rant!