So I seem to have been neglecting my blog after my move to the swick so here goes. There is a lot of paint, graffiti and or street art int he swick, goes with the territory i suppose. There is one wall in particular though that is a for all painters, kind of like a wall of fame. The wall on is painted on al 4 side and houses a factory of some sort in side. The wall can be found at bogard, white, boerum and ingram streets (,+-73.935091&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=mlR0TJ2-EcP_lgeFmoHJCA&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&ved=0CAkQ_AU). So rather than continue to slack off I though id post some photos I took a few weeks ago to post what is currently on the wall (note it is a living breathing art piece and is ever evolving as people lay down bomber over other peoples work).