Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sara Palin's Alaska

Having never seeing the show I though I would indulge myself on a sunday night of mindless television, nothing however would have prepared me for what was to come. Sarah Palin's father's pile of dead animal parts. Although dubbed as a science teacher on the show, I highly doubt any credible "scientist" would construe a person whose life mission was to kill, tortue or maim living creatures with the same veracity of Joseph Mengele either a scientist or teacher of science. I have no great admiration for Kate Grosselin but I think we shared a moment when we both responded with horror. Dont get me wrong I love a stake as much as the next man, and also believe that people should kill their food at least once in their life to gain respect and understanding of where their food actually comes from and answer the black box question as to how the cow goes in and the burger comes out of the black box but for the love of god, who needs a garage of different animal parts, ones that arnt even considered edible in the mores of our colture.

I can see the marketing appeal of the show as to make the future canidate more likable or accessible to the to Americans at large but have to agree with Newt on this one, this will not give her the creditable nor aptitude to be the next leader of the free world. Rather, high light her inept ability to preform the most innate of tasks that much more apparent.

Seriously, did I just agree with Newt?