Part one in no particular order.
Katmhandu detainment at the U.S. Embassy Resort (Thu, 30 Sep 2010)
Me: hey
Friend in America: Hi
Me: at work?
Friend in America: No
Friend in America: Getting ready.
Friend in America: It's 7 30
Me: sorry, I can let you go if you need to
Friend in America: What did you do today?
Friend in America: It's ok
Friend in America: I am just doing my hair and makeup.
Me: tomorrow is my last day here. going to take the
> children to school in the morning. Saw them today
Friend in America: How are they doing?
Friend in America: That's great!!!
Friend in America: Did some of them remember you?
Me: they are well. some of them are so big. I am going
> to take photos tomorrow. michelle got a few today
Friend in America: Ok.
Me: you see north korea has a new leader in the works
Friend in America: That must be the best part of trip.
Friend in America: Haha
Friend in America: Yes. But we knew that already.
Me: the north koreans? that was only one night
Me: oh, I was just arrested by the military
Me: was released after 25 min
Friend in America: What?
Friend in America: What happened?
Me: apparently I took a photo of an american embassy
> recreation grounds and I was taken by machine gun point to
> this building. they told me I was going to the embassy but
> it was some shabby room. I refused to give them the photo or
> my passport until I spoke to an american.
Me: spoke to the state department rep Paul McSomething
> or other
Me: way to fuck up my afternoon
Friend in America: O
Friend in America: Ing
Friend in America: Omg
Friend in America: Shit
Friend in America: Were you by yourself?
Me: they were going to put me on the terrorist watch
> list but after I spoke to Paul, he told the military that
> they didnt need to take my info
Friend in America: Omg
Me: Yes
Friend in America: Shit.
Me: I told him it was bullshit and there was no way in
> hell I was giving my passport to some Nepalese guy, stating
> it is not mine to give but rather the property of the state
> department and if i was going to hand it over to someone it
> needed to be an Emerikan
Friend in America: Shit.
Friend in America: And you didn't know you weren't allowed to take
> photos.
> Last message received on 9/30 at 5:32 PM
Me: his response on the lack of americans and only
> Nepalese contractors with american flags on their shirts was
> "Oh, I never considered people would not want to give up
> their passport camera to someone claiming to be representing
> america with a fat accent and brown skin"
Friend in America: Haha
Me: i told him you can get anything fake in KTM, they
> aint got no papers with Hillary's signature on it
Friend in America: Haha
Friend in America: Man. I guess it's been a while. Since Bosnia
Me: told them there was no way in hell that I was
> giving them shit until i spoke to the consulate
Me: they kept saying "it doesnt work that way"; i told
> them there was no way in hell i was giving them anything
> with out representation
Friend in America: Wow.
Friend in America: Were you by yourself?
Me: the worst part was the military garding the place
> were trying to get me to go there for 30 min or so but there
> english was fucked. I kept saying "I dont know what you are
> talking about". Took them 4 people before there was one that
> could explain why I had to go. Then he asked for my papers
> and camera, i told him not a chance, you said I am going to
> the embassy, take me there or shoot me
Me: I was
Me: michie is sleeping