Mindless observations from central park.
1) Who buys this crap?
When ever I go to the park, there is always an endless precession of these vendors selling generic photos of new york city and central park in winter/spring, yet I have yet to see anyone buy any of these fabulous pieces of art let alone walk into someone's home in new york and see one hanging on the wall. Clearly they must make enough to pay for their hack license and i suppose enough to eat but where does the merchandise go? It is as if there is some void that swallows the "art" and regurgitates money. And is this what happens when you move to new york to become an "Artist" after college and discover that the world thinks your no warhol; thus doomed to a life of street art sales associate? Suppose it is better than being a walmart super store sales associate, same amount of insurance coverage anyway.
2) people in new york resemble their dogs, do they buy dogs that match their personalities on purpose or is it their subconscious that drives the purchase?
Take the two subjects to the left for instance.
Dog A), small, yapping, in your face and overtly shaking. From my observations the owner, his yapping in your face behavior came in the form of snark and sarcasm, I don't doubt that if push came to shove he would stand there shaking like a bald little chihuahua.
Dog B) much like his owner was a mild mannered friendly individual, burly but but super friendly. However; he had the swagger of an ex-marine or perhaps a former apartheid soldier. Friendly on the surface but when in a bind has no problem slaughtering the first available animal for a dinner of bush meet.
3) the diametrically apposed fringe of the park crowd.
Although there is great diversity in the fare weather park crowd, there are two groups that stand at the extreme polar opposite, they fall into the following categories: the uncomfortable over dressed and the near naked sunbather.
The first group make every uncomfortable, I didn't take any photos but these are the people who are wearing jeans, a sweater, and a sun hat in the park when it is over 90 degrees out. I understand that you have a fundamental fear of a tan, perhaps like a vampire but wouldn't it have been mush easier to stay indoors?
The far left of this is the urban sunbather. Although central park is not nearly as bad as the high line with all the people having sex in the windows of the Standard Hotel, it is almost nearly perverse. Although I do not mind seeing a woman in a bikini with the body of an olympic athlete taking in the rays, it may have some profound on little jimmy. It would be really embarrassing to get your first erection in the park after viewing a almost nude tight bodied sun bather. I understand that Manhattan is far from the beach, but come on, there are no shortage of tanning salons or pools in the city, perhaps a more appropriate venue for bearing almost all.
That's it, Christoff out -->