A note about Europeans while on vacation, whether in north africa it
anywhere else; it would seem that the older and more out of shape you
are the less clothing you are to ware around the pool or gym.
Seriously? 65 and in a spedo or 55 and morbidly obese and in a bikini?
And what is the deal with having 8 - 10 year olds in bikinis? This is
the middle east for Christ's sake, as if isn't insulting enough to
the cultural sensitivities of the people, what about the pedobear
And another thing, what us the deal with people swimming in sun glasses?
The British love the all inclusive holiday, I suppose I can't blame
them. What is not to like, airfare, hotel and meals; only downer is
they never leave the pool. Might as well have stay-cautioned in bloody
England. Seems like a shame to fly to Egypt and have never left the
pool and seen the sights...
Euro tourists observations continued.
What is the deal with the French? They seem to travel in packs like
wild jackals. Do jackals even travel in packs? Guess that is one I
will have to wikipedia when I get an Internet connection.
Note to self, perhaps iPhone note app isn't the best medium for
scribing these observations; then again I'm no boroughs.
WTF moment, is that german swimming with quetips in
His ears? Perhaps it is the latest and greatest in Japanese technology.
Speaking of the Japanese they seem to devoid in this hotel. In all the
places I have traveled this pool may be the one time there wasn't an
armada of japanese tourists armed with the latest in electronic
gaditry. Then again, the Japanese don't tend to idle their time
whether at work or on holiday.
Note to self part daux, remember to add photos of some of the freakish
The british news to invest in sun block technology, the may have had
the greatest empire in modern history but somehow missed the whole
innovation of sun screen. I don't know how many British people were
human going on lobster I've seen in my time but it never ceases to
amaze me. One would think all that time they ruled south Asia and the
african continent they would have learned by now. I don't know
perhaps it is just one of that is unavailable in the U.K. like toothpaste.
Day two by the pool and it is 103•f.
Seems as the British all inclusive crowd believe that if you take a
lounge chair by the pool, you are entitled to it all day. Seems
however that the Germans beg to differ. An altercation erupts when the
germans challenge this assertion; chruchill is turning in his grave,
Germans 1, the queen 0.
I must admit I was as pissed as the Germans, there is no reason there
should be 50 lounge chairs by the pol with towels on them as if they
are being used with only 8 people in the pool. People have never
accused me o being the most civil of persons but those Germans have
stone far greater than my own.
Observations about the hotel Isis....
In the rooms there is a shameless promotion, "Write a positive review
on Trip Advisory and get 10% off or a free room upgrade". Funny thing
is, as I as in the lobby weighting a review, I selected the option "No
I would not recommend this hotel to a friend" and was promptly logged
off the wireless. Thinking this was an error, I logged on again. Fast
forward 3 more attempts to write a negative review and long and behold
the same outcome. Perhaps it was because I was using an iPhone rather
than a laptop with firebug that I didn't notice all page views and
button functions where being passed through an authenticated page from
the hotel. Seems that any attempt to press the no submit button were
governed b a JavaScript that results in a log off of authenticated
session thus preventing negative feedback from with the hotel;
shameless to say the least.
Captain's log, date 4/11/10
There has been an out break of varicose vains on the bridge. It would
appeared there has been a disruption in the manufacturing of gym
equipment in the european union. This phenomena may have originated
in the united states but seems the have become infectious and is
spreading. It is unknown if this contagion is water, airborne or
communicable, one thing is known however, if this doesn't stop soon it
may take over the entire colony.