Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fight Night!

The feeling of summer is upon us again, the locals are putting the radios in the windows and cranking up the Regetone
Few thing get the neighborhood more excited than sporting events that feature their own people.
Today's feature even drew the police to park outside and watch while god know how many robberies or rapes when on during the two hours of which they were parked outside watching the fight.
The police were so into the fight that they would get on their microphones and chant Cotto, Cotto, Cotto and occasionally hit the lights and sirens.
Ironic considering the recent scathing report on how Bloomberg has destroyed the response infrastructure of the NYPD.
Suffice it to say, Cotto lost, will Paris burn? It is too early to tell.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

YouTube iFrame Embed Video Problem – Hides Menus & Other Layers

YouTube iFrame Embed Video Problem – Hides Menus & Other Layers

If you’re here, then you’re looking for a solution to fix a display problem with your embedded YouTube iFrame video on your website. If you’re experiencing a problem with your rollover menu hiding behind the YouTube video, then give this a try.

YouTube iFrame Video Displays Over Menu

The iFrame is basically an element on your page and so is your rollover menu. There is what’s called a “z-index” that helps the browsers understand which elements to display in which order (front-to-back or back-to-front basically). If your menu is popping up behind the YouTube iFrame video, then most likely the z-index of your menu is lower than what YouTube is assigning their video player.
YouTube iFrame EmbedSounds pretty technical & perhaps it is, but there’s an easier solution for most of you. YouTube actually provides a parameter that you can add to the embedded iFrame URL to enable transparency (e.g. put it behind your dynamic menu).
If you can copy & paste some simple code and add it within the YouTube iFrame code itself, then you should have your problem solved in no time.

How to Fix the Embedded YouTube iFrame z-index Problem

Here’s the parameter you should add to the YouTube URL in the iFrame embed code:
Example iFrame code:
Code With Fix Applied:

Check Your Code Carefully

For those of you not too tech savvy, I want you to know that the above code will only work if you paste it on a clean YouTube iFrame URL – one that doesn’t have any existing parameters already.
For an iFrame URL that already has other parameters (e.g. related videos option, show in HD, etc), you need to use a slightly different parameter when you append it in the iFrame URL:
Example iFrame code:
Code With Fix Applied:
Your Final Code may also look something like this. Notice the & where the single “&” was in the previous example – they are the same thing, one is just encoded.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Shepard Fairey takes on the hood

You know the hood is picking up when shepard fairy comes to down. RIP Commandant Biggie!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What the fuck is wrong with America. Part 1.

When traveling I often find that local populations often have difficulty understanding Americans or seeing thing form their perspective. It is is no wonder why. Today in What the fuck is wrong with America part one, I introduce to Edward 40 Hands.

Edward 40 Hands is a great time had by all…well, all who can drink two 40’s. If you can’t, read on anyways because we have another option for you. According to wikipedia (the source of all truth) the game is also known as “80 oz to freedom” and “The 40 Challenge.” Whatever you call it, here’s the rules:
1. Have a friend duct tape a 40 oz of malt liquor to each hand (or both hands to one 40oz if you’re taking it easy). The last person to tape in will have a harder time, but with some ingenuity they can manage.
2. Nobody can remove the 40’s from their hands until they’re finished drinking all 80 ounces of beer.
That’s it, those essentially are the two official rules. You can add some competition to the game by racing to finish, but completing the game is a solid accomplishment, so I wouldn’t worry about racing. You are allowed to go to the bathroom, answer the phone, have a smoke, whatever – that is, as long as your hands are still taped to those quickly-warming 40oz beers. If you can do that, cheers. It’s funny though, I’ve seen some very awkward times when a slow-drinking gent has to request a male friend to pull his pants zipper down. And that’s really just half the battle to emptying the bladder. The other half requires a weird wiggle dance…I guess you’ll figure it out if you have to.
The true beauty of the 40cozy is displayed when you use two 40cozy’s, one on each hand. With these on your paws, you’ll be able to take as long as you want, as your beer won’t become warm for a long time. The only thing that will rush your drinking is the increasing urge to urinate.
Don’t worry about the duct tape ruining the 40cozy’s, they come out looking great afterward. Next time you and your friends are sitting around with nothing to do, go buy a case of 40’s and strap up. Drink strong!

Thanks to